Welcome to the Hastings Home Page!

November 2006

November 2005

November 2004

December 2003

Paul at Awana Summit
March 31 - April 3, 2007
Denver, Colorado

Paul at Scout Orienteering Challenge
February 10, 2007
Bastrop, Texas

Paul at Awana Summit
April 19-22, 2006
Chicago, Illinois

Paul at State Speech & Debate Tournament
(March 2-4, 2006)
THSC Awards Banquet
(March 17, 2006)

Paul at Awana Summit
April 20-23, 2005
St. Louis, Missouri

Backpacking in
Grand Canyon
National Park
December 21-23, 2004

San Antonio Independent
Christian Film Festival
November 11-13, 2004

Pat's Awana Mission
Trip to Taiwan,
July 25 - August 18, 2004

Paul at Awana VarsityUSA 2004
Fine Arts Competition
April 16, 2004

Pat's High School Graduation,
May 24, 2003

Worldview Academy
New Braunfels, Texas

October 13-18, 2002

Pat's Awana Mission
Trip to Zimbabwe 
June 11 - July 3, 2001

Awana Citation Award
April 17, 2002

Awana Varsity USA
Chicago, Illinois
April 16-21, 2002

Pat's Eagle Scout
Community Service Project

Guadalupe Mountains
of West Texas
March 9-17, 2002


Spring Break mission
trip with our church 
March 9 - 13, 2003

Awana Varsity
Olympics Regionals,
San Antonio, Texas
February 23, 2002

December 2001 Florida
Basketball Tournament
(Great Hills Christian School)

Alissa's Wedding
Dec. 22, 2001

Paul's WebWorld

Sharon & Ron's visit


Our God is an awesome God
He reigns from heaven above
With wisdom, power, and love
Our God is an awesome God!

Complete words and alternate arrangement
for the chorus of Awesome God


Something to ponder  :-)

Does the following say "Construction Site"...

or "Site under Construction"?